Exam Registration Delf/DALF

Please fill out this form carefully for your registration. Your registration is complete once your payment is received.

I want to register for the...

I want to take the level...
I’m taking this test... (to check that you are taking the correct exam)
Candidate Last Nameas it appears on your passport
Candidate First Nameas it appears on your passport
Candidate Middle Nameas it appears on your passport
Date of Birth
Country of Birth
City of Birth
Nationality/Citizenship (1)
Nationality/Citizenship (2)write N/A if not applicable
Native Language(s)
ZIP code
Phone Number
E-mail AddressMake sure to use the SAME email address you register with for the exam
Candidate Code If you have taken the DELF previously - write N/A if not applicable
Do you need to request any accomodation ?  You will need to provide a Doctor's note with the diagnosis and listing and detailling precisely each accomodation requested. The doctor's note will need to be dated less than 2 years before the exam date.  You will need to send the doctor's note at least 10 weeks before the exam date for braille booklets to arrive on time and at least  8 weeks before the exam date for any other request.  
For "Other," please explain:

Contact Us

Alliance Française de San Francisco
1345 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: +1 (415) 775-7755
E-mail: afsf@afsf.com

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Alliance Française de San Francisco is an American nonprofit public charity, tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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